White Lotus Sсhool

International school of white magic

About School

Welcome to the White Lotus School!

White Lotus School as an integrated system is recently established. Nevertheless today it can offer you detailed diagnostics and a number of practices that can bring you at a new level of self-awareness and solve a lot of problems in your life.

The name "White Lotus School" is a course of teaching which is taught by Annaya and her students. White Lotus School's teching is familiar to us from the ancient times, for this is the doctrine of the Truth, self-awareness and consciousness-raising. That's why the main tilt of all Annaya's training courses and classes is an awakening of your awareness and its evolution through the Enlightenment. However this is not achieved through practices that are detached from the Earth, and on the contrary understanding of their Earth experience which you are giong through now, all its processes and events taking place in your life. True Enlightenment brings you to life right here in the moment, for making it's wonderful and full of love, while misconceptions in this sense create a gap from Truth and, as a result, leads to suffering.

About School
Welcome to the White Lotus School!
White Lotus School is a prototype of the school of the OWL (Order of the White Lotus) existing in the Highest words of The City of Light. This school really exists on our Earth as a studying of the Highest Enlightenment Masters about the true foundation of the existence, meaning that everything around is made by Us. We are the Authors of All Things that are happening and there is nothing to contradict this and all the rest is an illusion in which people were confused. The goal of White Lotus School has always been to remind people of this simple Truth, which is the root of all things in their lives, and to teach how to understand God inside of you, being a guiding light pointing a way to those who have lost it. Annaya being the representative of guardians of this Knowledge by origin of her Soul helps to implement the representation of this spiritual school on Earth.
To date, the school has the opportunity to hold group lectures, retreats and training and counselling sessions - all information about this you can find on our site.
Individual work


Phone (WhatsApp): +79284885246
Telegram https://t.me/amondaz
Altai, Russia
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