White Lotus School
events and trips
Upcoming events
Altai Retreat " magical creatures" 2025
The White Lotus School Retreat is a unique transformative event that has no equal in its implementation methodology.
Magical leveling is carried out through various technologies such as theoretical lectures, game unloading, outdoor recreation, meditation, sleep and other types of entertainment and practices. This allows you to relax your mind and absorb as much information and energy as possible through interactive reality.

The retreat with Anna consists of round-the-clock 3-day magic leveling, entertainment events, performances by our SBL team and a fun festive atmosphere for you!
This is an unforgettable rest for body and soul, which will allow you to advance to a new level and find yourself.

Bali Shamanic Dive
September 2025
We invite you to a unique shamanic tour in Bali!

Anna will perform magical group work by putting you into a trance through high-quality Indian teas (imported from Darjeeling) and meditative music.
Thanks to the deep immersion of the group, the magic of Annai will be laid on a subconscious level, which will allow you to experience a special experience and get an unforgettable experience from the trip.

The work will include several hours of magical leveling during even-numbered days with Annaya and magical work with a group without Annaya's presence.

Combining relaxation, immersion, and long-distance work will have its own profound effect of restoring your mind and your body.
Magical India. 2026
Changes in your body.

The study of non-traditional modern yoga on an individual basis. The training of drawing up your own system of exercises is combined with the journey to the magical capital of Indian tea.
The journey is combined with practical training work of a spiritual leader and a white magician from Russia.

Shamanic tour to the Red Canyon of Utah.
Purification of the spirit.

Powerful shamanic work on collaborative techniques of Siberian and American shamans. Beacause of their ecological methods it's absolutely helpful for your health.
Meditation takes place under the guidance of an experienced master with traditional shaman rites through the special properties of professional Indian tea.
The right rhythms of the shaman's tambourine and the experienced work of the master will help you to clear your consciousness of many distortions and destructive processes inside of you.
Magic in Tibet 2027
Purification of the spirit.

A trip to Tibet with Annaya. It's an amazing journey, lots of channeling revelations and magical work near Mount Kailash. Anna will tell you the true nature of this place and help you unlock the magic of Kailas in all its power.

Every year, our esoteric center hosts events of a magical and developmental nature. You can also enroll in a group for the following events.

Past events
Magical Tibet Of Russia (Altai).
An amazing and unforgettable journey through Altai!

Altai is called Russian Tibet, thousands of pilgrims from all over the world gather here every year to see the most spiritual places!

This time we visited the Ulagan Valley, the Chitaman pass and the Martian lands of Altai.
But this is not the end of our travels. Every year we are waiting for you on our tours of the magical places of Russia!.


Magical retreat "Opening the lotus".
It was a powerful magical work with a group to level up consciousness and mind. Designed to change the construction of the mind and approach enlightenment.

Included: removal of negative programs, attitudes and formulations; removal of false aspects of perception and beliefs that block your development; changing thinking and energy channels — attunement to luck and self-realization; restructuring of the physical programming of the body and attitudes for recovery and improvement of the body.
Retreat "Power of healing"
This is the most powerful healing work that has taken place this year.
The retreat included magical training, trips to places of power, and creative entertainment for the group.

We had a wonderful time and experienced a powerful energy transformation!
We look forward to seeing you next year!
Write to us if you would like to join our trips and retreats

+7 926 0952669

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