Personal audio consultation
with Annaya
Аbout the consultation
You can make an appointment for a personal audio consultation with Annaya or at a personal meeting. She is ready to personally answer all your questions by scanning you and asking the higher powers for an answer.

Annaya is a brilliant magician and channeler, her vision is one of the best in the world. The opportunity to find out the answers to your questions is unique and inimitable for you!

Don't miss your chance!
What questions should I ask?

- planning the personal spiritual and magical growth (which practices you should do, which techniques are essential for you, and where you should go in order to reflect the peculiarities of your situation and your state of health)
- the determination of your soul's status, incarnation's goals and problems of this incarnation
- uncovering the causes of problems in material areas that come from the subtle energy and magical world ( financial area, health, personal life and so on)
- mesuaring the destructive magical impact, the destruction of internal structures, energy bodies. Individual technologies to solve these problems.

- considering magical component in the development of your own business (how to use your magical skills at work or your bisiness. What is the magical reason, and how to solve it on the subtle dimension)

Rules and cost
Annaya will answer all your questions if you pay for the consultation (160$) and provide your (or the one you are asking about) a full-length photo and questions (no more than eight).
Within a few days after that, you will receive audio responses personally from Annaya and audio with a translation of her words into English!
If you wish to make an appointment for a consultation, please contact us.

+79854394648 (What's App) (Telegramm)
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